Art in the Park

Discover & Experience

Those who explore the Natur Park Südgelände do so on steel works of art by the sculpture group ODIOUS. Footbridges, tree houses or tubes open up the nature and landscape conservation area and provide unique insights and views. The former storage area is now home to artworks and many other surprises.


The artist group ODIOUS

Steel is the defining element of the artworks by ODIOUS. The former six-member Berlin artists' group, which formed in 1982 at the Hochschule für bildende Künste in Berlin, has left its mark everywhere in the Natur Park Südgelände. In addition to many abstract steel sculptures, they also constructed the 600-metre-long steel walkway that runs through the nature reserve.

On the one hand, the monumentality and materiality of ODIOUS' art picks up on the former industrial function of the site and the rusting relics of that time, while at the same time corresponding wonderfully with the wildly proliferating nature - and therefore gives the Natur Park Südgelände its special, fascinating character as an enchanted place.

Giardino Segreto

From campsite to Renaissance garden: the Giardino Segreto in Natur Park Südgelände is garden art in the truest sense of the word: purely artificial and created by artists!

The classic Giardino Segreto originates from Renaissance Italy: a somewhat secluded yet intimate garden belonging to the villa, enclosed by walls and embedded in the landscape. Outside, unplanned nature; inside, ordered nature - with strictly geometrical beds, trimmed hedges and sculptures.

Following this model, a new attraction was created in the Natur Park Südgelände in Berlin: on a 130-metre-long and 22-metre-wide former coal storage area, the artist group ODIOUS planned and built a modern interpretation of the Giardino Segreto. Behind a concrete wall, visitors can expect steel cubes and sculptures, lawn beds bordered by steel edges, benches with stone cushions - a deliberate contrast to the unspoilt nature of the surrounding park.

Graffiti wall

If you want to get creative yourself, there is a former retaining wall in the Natur Park Südgelände on the edge of the Tälchenweg that graffiti artists can legally use as a canvas from Monday to Saturday from 3 pm. Spraying is prohibited on Sundays and public holidays!

We ask all sprayers to use only the allocated areas (no tags on park benches, trees, bins, the yellow wall or the buildings!) and not to leave their material lying around so that spraying can continue to be permitted.