
Environment & Urban Nature

The Natur Park Südgelände boasts an impressive biodiversity, including many endangered species. 30 species of breeding birds, 57 species of spiders, 95 species of wild bees, 15 species of grasshoppers as well as over 350 species of plants and 49 large fungi are known to inhabit the area. Many alien species once reached the area via freight traffic, such as the cave spider Nesticus eremita, which is native to southern France. Highly endangered species such as the heath grasshopper and the blue-winged grasshopper have also found a home here. So far, 130 of Berlin's 310 or so bee species have been identified in Natur Park Südgelände. The reason for this species richness is the diversity of flowers and the large number of small structures.


Some rare and endangered plant species have large populations in the park. The meadow hawkweed has one of its few permanent occurrences in Berlin in the Natur Park Südgelände. The colourful flowering lawns and shrubberies are a preferred habitat for insects that use the abundance of flowers as a food source. Another special feature are the nine species of wild roses found here. The endangered wine rose, unlike the common dog rose, is densely covered with glands and has a fruity fragrance.

Information boards throughout the grounds and the exhibition "Trailblazing Nature" provide information on the park's flora and fauna.